So I have been through most everyones blogs. Wow good job my friends.

So I decided to post thsi to mark the day we did an awsome fashion show. If your not in art shame on you, if you say its cause you don't like, it shame even more, if you say you just didn't have time, that is just sad, I am sry for you. So yes ot was amazing and today I recieved very mixed reviews about my shirt, aka my body:

there was the wow was that your real body :) *smile*

thn there was the laugh. :) I love the smiles, an laughing, it makes me feel warm inside (very gay statement I know)

Finally those who were very negative and said lol you skinny retard, those of you who said this, were you the only ones telling the truth, tor are you just an asshat, that if for the people to decide.

And to all those who supported me and my fellow art class, thank you, even those of you who may never read this blog.

sry for those of you that think I am gay ( feel a little gay in todays blog, so..) and fruity