sry I should have posted this instead of my sefish bullshit. Please take time to remeber those who died. Please remember each as a hero even though all of them may not have been. And also please remeber those who are alive and if you know anyone who was a veteran, no matter who they are please thank them. All it takes is two min. Thank you.

Times this by 1000, and you'll get at least a small undersatanding of what was lost. Remeber each cross does not represent a body, but a life, a family member, a friend,who died.
Oh and don't forget the living thnk them too eh?
Lastly this is cheezy but please thnk the Lord, that goodness could have won that day. And for all that you have. So why did he let people die. Well I know he love me and the people around me, I can say that. I have a lot of theories and crap if any of you ever wanna discuss it but for now I guess I hope we all get to the Lord one day and get to ask him together. :)