"insecure" is a cool sounding word
Random random random random random random
random random random random random random
random random random random random random
random random raNdom random random random random
random random random random random random random
random random random ranDom
random random random random randOm
random random random random random
random random random random random
random random random random random randoM
random random random random random random
figure it out yet?
fireplace with an empty fire
a flickering light and broken wire
a faint reflection a cold room of serentiy
an thoughtless head,
a wasted time (called eternity?)
damages done
damage is done
Damages to a soon to be corps
prostrate carcass stomp on it's head. again! again! hee hee!!
foot in a face crimson blood and beige bone; a grim and hilarious puddle on the floor,
a flash foreward or back, legal wordplay, an adonis of words,
hollow sentiments an echo; a trail.
edit may 09. __> imagine a young man, with a tree and a mighty tool of digging in his hand, with the swiftness of a river passing through the wind, within dense shrubs and plethora of earth colours and tones. oh and a tent and another guy with a donkey face. "HI!"