So I was reading the paper today, while online, reading up on media logs etc, then going to my usual peruse throught the science and tech section, reading up on different issuse and dicoveries when I noticed somthing odd.
[Is love the one you think about all th time, or the one in the back of you mindyou really never want to lose. ]
While reading a article and the trees in our city , and environmental issues I see Ubbens. I'm like no way, bullshit, so I keep on reading for a few seconds, but its stuck in my mind, because mr. ubbnes is a tree dude. so I press ctrl F and find for Ubbens and what do you know, Richard Ubbens, hly crap that is cool. And I gained a greater respect for him, and all the tree stuff mrs. ubbens taught us(TCSers) in middle school. And if your an ubbens or somone close to them your probably not impressed but I was, yeah good stuff. Hmm mabye I should* be an environmentalist....
[is the one your suppose to be with forever , and become one with, the one it works with, or the one who you know there will be problems , + the ladder.] [for future abram if you ever find this, sappy stuff I hope no one ever finds]
Next time :U tube video of abram at TDCh talent show :)
*I was thinking about it
Shit Why cant i find the right colour!