Nothing Profound
my Brain:
So I can't ever seem to get things done these days. I actually think I worked harder in highschool.
Shit I frikin miss frakin drama, I hope I make it into the musical production next term...
I am seriously self destructive, but not even in the cool way.
lol its jon in a frikin fidel castro outfit. eww I hate amy winehouse.
mm juice.
As the animals come out
thier restless and ravinous for your touch
and we're the rag doll in the wind just spinning in circles
dear you don't look so well
I wonder if I'll ever get to play with a full band again...
Have you moved on, found something better? I'm trying. . . dammit....
fak!! I got a frakin 67!!!??
new expression of the year: porno
ex: 007 Quatum of Solice is frakin porno; that's porno
wow its 4:44 I frkin hate eating dinner at shitty times like this, fat unpleasent lady is probably serving... crap.
Nothing feels real, and home feels lost. but it was good that one night we had... it did get unawkward it just took time.
Cause I am lately horney, so why would she take me horney. I think I under stand the words of elephant a little bit more now.
shit what was that thing I was gonna write?!!! crap!!